Friday, March 14, 2025
Number 2!
Hii! I'm in school right now doing this blog post and it's a Friday finally. This week literally felt nonexistent, it went by so fast. Either that or I really just didn't do anything so it felt way faster (I didn't do anything). I'm sitting next to Sofi right now and shes doing the Title and Production scene but since I pretty much finished all the editing I had to do, I'm doing this blog. The second CCR question is "How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text?" which, in my opinion, is the most difficult CCR to answer. Just like the first question, this question also has 2 parts that I need to answer within my CCRs.
How does your product engage with audiences?
How would it be distributed as a real media text?
There are many options for distribution as a small media director if this were to be published as a real media text.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
group meeting 2!
So I'm actually in class in the group meeting right now and were all just discussing how far into our project we are. Most people are still editing so that makes me feel better that were not done either, because I thought we needed to be done by now but I guess I'm at a normal pace so yay! I think all of my group members were in the phase where they've started editing and are adding sound now, and some need to film a few more clips just like I do.
Right now we're showing each other our projects and they're all really good, it honestly makes me nervous. I just found out one of the people in my group is in CBTV which is our school's news channel and now I think my project is terrible. He has a professional camera and everything it looks so good im ashamed of mine now.
We were talking about the ideas for our CCRs and no one really knows what theyre doing. I told everyone I am going to the beach this weekend to film my CCR and everyone really liked the idea. One of my group members did have an idea for her CCR but we advised against it because we thought it would be too common and non-creative. It was really hard thinking of suggestions for ideas of the CCRs because they obviously have to be so unique and different. I can't even think of a second idea for my other CCR myself let alone other people.
Everyone liked my idea of the CCR on the beach which is really nice and gives me reassurance that its actually a creative idea. One of my group members is doing their CCR inspired by one of the scenes of their film, but i dont really understand it. It does look creative though so that gives me the idea of going through my film again and seeing if anything there can inspire one of my CCRs.
All of us kind of agree that our last resort would be doing a presentation with voiceovers, its better than nothing and can let us get very in depth explanations pretty easily. We all know not to do a floating head CCR because our teacher very clearly told us that we should NOT do a floating head CCR.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sadly editing again.
Unfortunately, I had to edit again today, but I honestly couldn't do too much. I honestly only added the clips today, and I know I said I would add sound today, but there was a problem with filming.
So we always wanted to film today but we didn't know that daylight savings started today! So we obviously filmed our other scenes when it was dark. So we had to wait until around 8 pm to start filming. It took about an hour to film because we had to walk to the location that we wanted to film at. Then after we filmed we had to walk all the way back to Sofi's house and then I had to get picked up by my parents. I got home around 10:00, so I don't have much time to edit today because I really need to sleep because I have an important math test tomorrow. I could really only edit the videos together since I literally didn't have time. So here's the full opening (minus the scene with the news reporter because I have to get my mom to re-record it).
Saturday, March 8, 2025
So I hate editing. When I say hate, I mean HATE. It is the bane of my existence. I hope I never have to do editing again in my entire life. Everything else about this project was so fun, and now I'm dying on the inside trying to edit these videos together. I didn't even get that much done today because I literally despise doing this.
I have a Macbook, so editing on Premiere Pro is slightly different. It took me a whole hour or two to figure out how to just import the videos to the application. I had it saved to my photos because I just saved it from messages (not a good idea). In the app, you can only choose from files so I searched up a video of how to move videos to files on a MacBook and it just did not work. The buttons weren't the same, It said that it had an option of move to files which it did not. So for a good while, I suffered, trying to move these videos to files.
Once I finally did it, I now had to import them. Lucky for me, they were all out of order. So when I was editing them, I had to add each on to the project and watch them so I could put them in order. Then, while I was doing that, and I was ALMOST done putting them in order, my laptop died. It did not save. So I went on a rampage and quit for a while and then I went back and added them all back. After, I had to cut them to actually make it look good.
So basically, all I got done today was putting the videos together. Not much, but it took me ages. Then tomorrow and Monday I have to add sound, which I think might actually kill me. Im not excited at all to do that but I have to, so I guess ill just put up with it. NEVER AGAIN THOUGH. Anyway, now that I'm done with my little yap session, here's some screenshots of my editing process and the final video together.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Filming again!!
Hii! I just got back from filming with my partner, Sofi, and we started and finished filming most of the film. We did the living room scene and the phone call scene. We wanted to finish filming but there were two problems. Problem number 1 - We didn't have enough time, although we could have started it. Problem number 2 - it was very dark outside and we couldn't go out to film. We were always planning to film at night, but it was just too late for us to film, so we will finish filming on Sunday.
So, here are the final, raw clips that we are planning to use within our 2 minute film!
For the phone call scene, its going to switch between clips of Lily and clips of Olivia to show that they're having an ongoing conversation. This part was so annoying to film because I had to be outside of her house, and there was this mosquito that kept biting me. We also had out script for this scene so it didn't take that long at all.
The part that took the longest was the coffee, which was literally two clips, mostly because we didn't know how to work the coffee machine, but also because we had to play with the lighting a little bit to make sure me, who was filming, and the camera weren't shown in the reflection of the glass. I think we did a pretty good job though, and the coffee actually turned out to be pretty tasty aswell!
Thats all for today's blog post, have an amazing day!
Thursday, March 6, 2025
CCR researching!!
Helloo! This week has been so, so, so long. It's felt like a Friday since Monday, and it's still Thursday. But I have an exciting weekend coming up! Tomorrow, I'm meeting up with my partner to continue, and if we don't finish (hopefully, we will), we are going to finish on Sunday. That's beside the point, though, so let's focus on today! I'll be talking about the first question of the CCR and researching it further.
The first question of the CCR is "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?". This question and the second CCR question are the longer ones because in order to complete them correctly, you must answer two questions within one.
To start this blog off, I'll be researching the conventions of dystopian film genres and comparing them to my own film. Many dystopian films or novels have many common characteristics, such as societies in constant war, extreme social class divides, high levels of poverty, environmental damage, loss of individuality, technological control, and government control. Our film covers a few of these categories, so let's discuss them.
- Loss of individuality- One of the main points in our movie. Our movie surrounds a society where everything is perfect and everyone is the same, there is no variation between people whatsoever, highlighting the sense that everyone has lost their individuality.
- Government control- The loss of individuality in our movie is due to the high levels of government control over the society. The government has issued clothes to wear, a standard of teaching everyone the same things, etc, to make sure no one deviates from the standard of people they want.
- Extreme social class divides- Although I haven't talked about this much in my blogs, I did mention it once while discussing the locations for our films. It won't be shown in the first two minutes, but later in the movie, the girls find out how different other people are living in a different society from them.
- Environmental damage- This will be shown in the two minutes in our film opening, in the scene of the news reporter, where rebels are destroying areas in the society to show their disapproval of the government.
Now, onto how our film challenges some of these conventions of dystopian genres.
- High levels of poverty- This isn't shown within our film, mostly because the society wants everyone to be the same, so no one is living that poorly, because the government wants to be in control of the peoples mind, and hide them from the outside world.
- Technological control- The people of this society aren't too concerned with their devices, although there obviously are things that are blocked on the internet, and the government does control what goes on the television to keep their residents locked out. The reason I put this as not being technological control is because I'm reading the novel Fahrenheit 451 currently, which I think is a true example of technological control because the government keeps their citizens locked out by keeping them actually addicted to their devices.
So now that I've talked about the first part of the CCR, it's time to move onto the next part! How does it represent social groups or issues?
Well, dystopian films tend to represent what the world, at least certain societies, will look like in the near future if we keep going on the same path we are currently on. Our film represents current societal issues, such as social class divisions, which seem to be a growing problem in today's world. Many people are living in extreme poverty while others are living in a life of luxury, which is represented in our film. This is shown as the society within the film is basically living in a whole other world, without knowledge of the different lives people live, which could be similar to today's issue, and how higher class people are unaware of the struggles that many people go through because of their financial situation.
Thank you for taking your time today to read, and have a wonderful day!!
StudioBinder. (n.d.). What is dystopian fiction? Definition and characteristics. StudioBinder.
Prezi. (n.d.). Conventions of dystopian fiction. Prezi.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
First Time Filming!!!
Hii! Today, my partner, Sofi, came over and started filming. We weren't able to film much, we only filmed the first scene, which is of the news report. She wasn't at my house for long, so we really couldn't film much. We took some time to film the report, even though it was only around 20 seconds. This was our script for the first scene.
Authorities confirm that the extremist group The Hollow launched a coordinated attack on Central Plaza last night, targeting security outposts and disrupting transit lines. Explosions were reported near Compliance Tower, with minor structural damage and temporary service delays.
Officials assure citizens that order has been swiftly restored. Supreme Governor Dain addressed the nation this morning:
"The Hollow seeks to spread fear, but Novera stands unshaken. We will not be swayed by those who cling to the past. Live as you always have—without fear, without hesitation. The system prevails."
This explains to the audience the whole concept of the movie and creates context. This then leads to the next scene, where Olivia is sitting on her couch with the news report playing in the background. For a better explanation, Novera is the name of the society that they live in, and The Hollow is the rebel group fighting against the corrupt government.Saturday, March 1, 2025
A problem!
For the first project/quiz to start off this course we were asked to take 15 photos telling a story using various different shots. We were t...
Hi! Today has been so annoying. So we were supposed to start filming today, but it got moved to tomorrow because my parents had an issu...
For this project, we were assigned to make a 1-2 minute-long soundscape encapturing the sounds of a scenario of our choice. The sound...