Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

For the first project/quiz to start off this course we were asked to take 15 photos telling a story using various different shots. We were taught to not only use shots but also distinct angles to convey a message and give the audience some context without using words.

Me and my partner chose to tell a story of 2 makeup products, and their 'sidekicks' and there were a total of 4 characters in the story. Our thinking led to the more expensive makeup bullying the cheaper products, but the cheaper products fought back and won. We had been thinking for a while and looking through things in our bags to use as props and found we both had our makeup bags. 

I think we did a decent job on this project but one thing that made it harder to give context was the fact that the products do not have faces. Facial expressions can give so much context and help progress the story easier and better. If I could go and retake the photos, I wouldn't change anything about the angles or shots at all. Instead, I would have taken the photos in a different setting and not in the entryway of a building. I also think I could have made some of the shots more clear but every shot and angle I used was for a purpose and I think it helped tell the story very effectively.


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