I started making a script for the first scene we're going to film, which will most likely be the scene of Olivia sitting on a couch, but it's just a general idea of how the scene will go. It's not complete and honestly not even an actual script, so I'm not going to post it here because it's so bad and doesn't really make sense. I just know what everything means because I obviously wrote it, so instead, I'm just going to give a general idea of how the scene will go.
The scene starts with a close-up shot of coffee pouring out of a coffee maker into a mug. The TV news report will be playing in the background to give some context of why it was shown in the scene before in the first place. It will then cut to Olivia, which is me, scrolling on her phone, watching TikTok or some form of social media, not paying attention to the TV. Suddenly, she gets a call from Lily, and she answers immediately. I'm not quite sure what the conversation between Olivia and Lily will be, but it makes Olivia immediately rush out of her house and sprint to wherever Lily is. The scene is a short one, but I want to use many inserts to make the scene visually interesting since there isn't that much dialogue. I also want to use a close-up shot of the phone when Olivia gets the call from Lily to make it clear to the audience that this is an important part of the scene because it sets up the entire next scene.
Anyway, that's it for this blog, its just a simple and short breakdown of the first scene that we want to film, because I couldn't really do anything else because the filming was moved, but tomorrow I will post some of our raw footage of us filming, and maybe some bloopers too!
Have the best day, goodbye!
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