Monday, September 30, 2024

OWF Project

     For this project, we were given a word, mine being 'remorse', and asked to make a short 1-1:30 minute film. This film should have portrayed the word using shots, angles, and editing techniques we had learned prior. We were also not allowed to use sound or dialogue although we could have used an instrumental song if we wanted.

    During brainstorming me and my partner made a shortlist thinking of what we could that would represent remorse.

     At first we thought of a bully seeing their victim alone. We asked our teacher about that idea and she said a lot of people did that and to choose something that would be different from other people's.  Me and my partner had to get a little creative and after some thinking we decided to do a girl who cheated on her test, got caught, and got a 0. The girl had remorse for herself and regretted not studying. 

    After we came up with the idea we made a shot and scene list. We tried to use a variety of shots and make the most of what we were taught in our video. 

    Once we finished our shortlist we made a storyboard to visualize and plan how our project would go. The storyboarding really helped me know exactly what to do for the project and not have to be stressed about how to do certain scenes and it also helped me know which shots I'm using, where, and when to use them. 

    Finally, the editing software I used was Adobe Premire. I used this software because it is the one widely used by editors and it is also the one we were taught how to use. 

    I think the main thing I that could've made my project much better was my editing. It was my first time ever editing anything so I know it wasn't that good but I wish I utilized more editing techniques to make it look more seamless. I also should've used a different background music, I don't think the song chosen fit with the film well and there would have been much better ones to use instead.

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