Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound Project

     For this project, we were assigned to make a 1-2 minute-long soundscape encapturing the sounds of a scenario of our choice. The soundscape had to have no video and we were asked to make 4 sounds using Foley and add those sounds to our project. We had to utilize the sound techniques learned during previous lessons and find sounds using websites that provide sounds for free.

    While brainstorming me and my partner had to think of a scenario that could happen within a minute or two and still be interesting. We decided to make a soundscape of a girl getting out of her car and entering a club. This soundscape had many audio factors including the chatter of people talking, the music from the club, the footsteps of the girl walking and so much more. We made an outline to help us specify which sounds would go where and when. This helped us separate each of the parts and sounds and helped us be organized with each and every sound going into this. To make the soundscape we utilized Adobe Premiere Pro, which I had used before but never for sound. It was fun and interesting to see how versatile Premiere Pro is and learn about how to use it more.

    I honestly think we did really good for this project and utilized many different sound techniques, but the one thing I wish we did differently was actually utilize more sounds and add more depth to the background of the soundscape. I think we managed to add a decent amount of sounds but we didn't make the most interesting soundscape in terms of background noises and action. Overall I think we did very good with this project and I really enjoyed the process of making this soundscape.

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