Thursday, March 6, 2025

CCR researching!!

 Helloo! This week has been so, so, so long. It's felt like a Friday since Monday, and it's still Thursday. But I have an exciting weekend coming up! Tomorrow, I'm meeting up with my partner to continue, and if we don't finish (hopefully, we will), we are going to finish on Sunday. That's beside the point, though, so let's focus on today! I'll be talking about the first question of the CCR and researching it further.

The first question of the CCR is "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?". This question and the second CCR question are the longer ones because in order to complete them correctly, you must answer two questions within one.

To start this blog off, I'll be researching the conventions of dystopian film genres and comparing them to my own film. Many dystopian films or novels have many common characteristics, such as societies in constant war, extreme social class divides, high levels of poverty, environmental damage, loss of individuality, technological control, and government control. Our film covers a few of these categories, so let's discuss them.

- Loss of individuality- One of the main points in our movie. Our movie surrounds a society where everything is perfect and everyone is the same, there is no variation between people whatsoever, highlighting the sense that everyone has lost their individuality.

- Government control- The loss of individuality in our movie is due to the high levels of government control over the society. The government has issued clothes to wear, a standard of teaching everyone the same things, etc, to make sure no one deviates from the standard of people they want.

- Extreme social class divides- Although I haven't talked about this much in my blogs, I did mention it once while discussing the locations for our films. It won't be shown in the first two minutes, but later in the movie, the girls find out how different other people are living in a different society from them.

- Environmental damage- This will be shown in the two minutes in our film opening, in the scene of the news reporter, where rebels are destroying areas in the society to show their disapproval of the government.  

Now, onto how our film challenges some of these conventions of dystopian genres.

- High levels of poverty- This isn't shown within our film, mostly because the society wants everyone to be the same, so no one is living that poorly, because the government wants to be in control of the peoples mind, and hide them from the outside world.

- Technological control- The people of this society aren't too concerned with their devices, although there obviously are things that are blocked on the internet, and the government does control what goes on the television to keep their residents locked out. The reason I put this as not being technological control is because I'm reading the novel Fahrenheit 451 currently, which I think is a true example of technological control because the government keeps their citizens locked out by keeping them actually addicted to their devices.

So now that I've talked about the first part of the CCR, it's time to move onto the next part! How does it represent social groups or issues? 

Well, dystopian films tend to represent what the world, at least certain societies, will look like in the near future if we keep going on the same path we are currently on. Our film represents current societal issues, such as social class divisions, which seem to be a growing problem in today's world. Many people are living in extreme poverty while others are living in a life of luxury, which is represented in our film. This is shown as the society within the film is basically living in a whole other world, without knowledge of the different lives people live, which could be similar to today's issue, and how higher class people are unaware of the struggles that many people go through because of their financial situation.

Thank you for taking your time today to read, and have a wonderful day!!

StudioBinder. (n.d.). What is dystopian fiction? Definition and characteristics. StudioBinder.

Prezi. (n.d.). Conventions of dystopian fiction. Prezi.

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