Friday, March 7, 2025

Filming again!!

     Hii! I just got back from filming with my partner, Sofi, and we started and finished filming most of the film. We did the living room scene and the phone call scene. We wanted to finish filming but there were two problems. Problem number 1 - We didn't have enough time, although we could have started it. Problem number 2 - it was very dark outside and we couldn't go out to film. We were always planning to film at night, but it was just too late for us to film, so we will finish filming on Sunday. 

    So, here are the final, raw clips that we are planning to use within our 2 minute film!

Okay little problem. I'm trying to upload the videos from YouTube onto Blogger, and it's not working. So unfortunately, you'll have to click on the links if you want to see them. Also, it's not letting me upload all the videos, only 8 of them, so I'll post them all on my YouTube in upcoming blogs, but for right now,  it has the most important 8.

So for the couch scene, we had an idea, since her TV had the no signal screen, we decided to use that in the film as a way to transition Lily into watching something different. We tried to take many different angles and types of shots to make the scene very visually interesting and not boring. Since we had our script, the hardest part was getting the angles and shots right, and making them not look weird, which I think we did a pretty good job of and the shots will all come together once we start editing, which will be tomorrow! I plan to finish editing the film by the ned of this week, but hopefully earlier if I manage to do so. Then, next weekend I want to film the CCRs.

For the phone call scene, its going to switch between clips of Lily and clips of Olivia to show that they're having an ongoing conversation. This part was so annoying to film because I had to be outside of her house, and there was this mosquito that kept biting me. We also had out script for this scene so it didn't take that long at all.

The part that took the longest was the coffee, which was literally two clips, mostly because we didn't know how to work the coffee machine, but also because we had to play with the lighting a little bit to make sure me, who was filming, and the camera weren't shown in the reflection of the glass. I think we did a pretty good job though, and the coffee actually turned out to be pretty tasty aswell!

Thats all for today's blog post, have an amazing day!

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CCR 3!