Wednesday, March 12, 2025

group meeting 2!



 So I'm actually in class in the group meeting right now and were all just discussing how far into our project we are. Most people are still editing so that makes me feel better that were not done either, because I thought we needed to be done by now but I guess I'm at a normal pace so yay! I think all of my group members were in the phase where they've started editing and are adding sound now, and some need to film a few more clips just like I do. 

    Right now we're showing each other our projects and they're all really good, it honestly makes me nervous. I just found out one of the people in my group is in CBTV which is our school's news channel and now I think my project is terrible. He has a professional camera and everything it looks so good im ashamed of mine now.

    We were talking about the ideas for our CCRs and no one really knows what theyre doing. I told everyone I am going to the beach this weekend to film my CCR and everyone really liked the idea. One of my group members did have an idea for her CCR but we advised against it because we thought it would be too common and non-creative. It was really hard thinking of suggestions for ideas of the CCRs because they obviously have to be so unique and different. I can't even think of a second idea for my other CCR myself let alone other people. 

    Everyone liked my idea of the CCR on the beach which is really nice and gives me reassurance that its actually a creative idea. One of my group members is doing their CCR inspired by one of the scenes of their film, but i dont really understand it. It does look creative though so that gives me the idea of going through my film again and seeing if anything there can inspire one of my CCRs. 

    All of us kind of agree that our last resort would be doing a presentation with voiceovers, its better than nothing and can let us get very in depth explanations pretty easily. We all know not to do a floating head CCR because our teacher very clearly told us that we should NOT do a floating head CCR.

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CCR 3!