Hi again! Today I want to tell you about my project idea for the 2-minute film opening. Obviously, I'm doing the Dystopian genre for my film and I took inspiration from the films that I researched. The films I took inspiration from were The Giver (2014) and The Hunger Games (2012).
Our movie will follow two best friends, Lily Allen and Olivia Kelly, who live in a dystopian city. So far, the only thing we are completely sure about is the names of the main characters, but we unfortunately don't have the names of the city, side characters, or the actual title of the film, but that can all come later. For now, we just have the plot of the story, and how we want the first 2 minutes to go, or at least a slight idea of it.
Lily Allen:
Olivia Kelly:
The movie surrounds a "perfect" town where everyone seems to be happy. This is all due to government control though, with the government watching over every move of their people to make their society seem so perfect. Everyone and everything is the same, obviously, there is some give or take to the personalities between person to person, but their houses are the same, their food options are the same, and most importantly, their desires are the same.
Every child going into secondary school is super excited and happy for the selection of the 4 "lucky" children who will be given superpowers by the government and trained. Lily Allen and Olivia Kelly are both going into their first year of secondary school, meaning they can be chosen for the superpowers. The selection happens every single year, choosing 4 children that are 14-15 years old for the government to train and control.
Lily is very excited and really wants to be chosen for the program like any child would want, but Olivia is different, with the government control not completely reaching her, she doesn't want to be picked because she wants to stay home with her family, where she is familiar with all her surrounding. They end up both getting picked, and the whole plot will follow what the girls and the other 2 people selected experience in their time with the government training them with their powers.
Since this society is dystopian, the government is very corrupt and they actually train their "students" for military use as weapons, making them endure a whole world of torture and abuse. I will talk about how the opening will be in my next blog, showing the storyboard for the first 2 minutes, and next week I will do a script for it! I took inspo from the movie The Giver with the way the dystopian society works, as it is seen as perfect, while the selecting process was inspired by the reaping in the Hunger Games.
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