Friday, February 14, 2025

First Group Meeting

    Happy Valentines Day! You probably won't be reading this on Valentines Day but today is February 14th, 2025 and today was a great day for me! This is done a little late because we had our first group meeting earlier in the week but I've just been so slumped with homework lately and haven't been able to do it until now. Today I'll be talking about our first group meeting with Ren, Ale, Gaby, and Addison. Ill be summarizing their plots and criticism in sections and then I'll discuss what was recommended for mine!

    Ren's idea for their movie was a Western film following a Cowgirl somewhere during the 1800s when being a girl was generally frowned upon in that profession. So the main character is disguised as a boy who saves towns posing as a boy because people wouldn't take help from a cowgirl. 
    The opening is the main character saving someone in the town still dressed up as a boy because they most likely wouldn't have accepted help from a girl. After the person is saved she does a dramatic reveal of her actually being a girl and everyone is shocked. The movie basically follows her journey as a cowgirl in the 1800s.
    There wasn't really any criticism for this idea, but we did help Ren think of a way to reveal the main character as a girl, and the reveal being dramatic. We kind of played around and laughed, pretending to flip our hair as an idea to reveal the character as a girl.
    Her plot was really interesting, and she said she got the idea from her AP Spanish class. Apparently, in this class, they discussed the cultural differences in countries, such as Colombia, where girls got nose jobs for their 16th birthday as opposed to the USA where we normally get cars or something of the sort. This was how her idea came to life. 
    Ale's story follows a girl who hates herself, her skin, and how she feels in her own body. Because of this she decides to try to change everything about herself, from the way she looks, eats, speaks, behaves, etc..
    We actually helped her decide how it would open, with it kind of starting how the movie The Butterfly Effect (2004) starts. She didn't really have an idea of how to open the film and we suggested that she start it with the ending of the movie at the beginning, foreshadowing how much this really affects her life. The opening scene will basically be her in a hospital with bandages all around her face, showing that she got some drastic surgery to ultimately change herself.
    Gaby's movie idea is a coming-of-age story about a girl dealing with drug abuse after her little brother died. Her parents also don't have a good relationship and are always arguing, mostly about the fact of her little brother's death.
    All she knew was that she wanted the opening scene to start off showing her messy room which reflects how her mind is because of everything going on. She also wanted to show some type of bottle, whether it be of pills, or alcohol, under the bed, to emphasize her drug abuse to the audience. 
    The opening scene will be a long shot of her room, showing the bottle, but not emphasizing it, because it is supposed to be "hidden". We helped her think of an idea where she then leaves her room to her parents arguing loudly and her name is mentioned and they are arguing about her little brother. The end of the opening scene will be her leaving the house without her parent's knowledge, just going for a bike ride without saying anything about where she's going.
    I was kind of confused about how this film would go but from what I understand it is a psychological thriller following the story of a woman who muders her husband. I'm not completely sure why she killed him, whether it was because she is insane or he did something, I honestly just don't know. 
    The opening scene will be of the woman murdering multiple people and basically digging a hole in the ground to bury them. 
    Looking at her blog posts was interesting because one of her blog posts was on how to make a fake dead body which I found pretty funny. Her blog posts were really interesting to read because they were sort of unconventional and fun to read.
    You already know the plot and opening of my film so I will just get right into my criticism.
    They all really like the idea of a dystopian society, all of them saying they hadn't heard of anyone doing a dystopia. They did say I could start the movie at the end just like Ale's but I'm not completely sure how that would work out, just because I don't think it'd make too much sense, but of course, I'd have to look into it.
    They also gave me ideas on the different powers the children could have such as super-intelligence, super-strength, elemental powers, and more. There wasn't too many suggestions, but that might've been because it was nearing the end of class and we were running out of time in class.

    Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

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