Monday, February 17, 2025


 Hi once again! Today has been super busy. I slept over at my friends house, went to go buy some clothes with her, went to Barnes & Nobles to chill out for a little bit and then we got some food after! It was super delicious and I love hanging out with her, shes one of my best friends since I was little and she is my favorite person ever. Anyways in this blog I'm going to show me and my partners storyboard for the first 2 minutes of our film about a dystopian society!

We did 12 boxes just showing the basic just of things. I plan to make a more detailed one in the future after I make my script, and I will definitely be showing that throughout this blog. I'm not 100% sure if were going to keep this idea for the storyboard but it's nice to have a general idea of what we're going to do for the opening. I'm also expecting the plan to change a lot which is why I plan to remake the storyboard after we make the script. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!

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