Saturday, February 22, 2025


  Hi! I've been so bored today, it's awful. I stayed home all day and I was planning to cook something I saw online and it looked so good. The problem is it takes forever and it's made in a CrockPot, which I don't know how to use. So I was waiting for my dad to get home and I fell asleep instead. It's now 10 p.m. and I just woke up and here we are! Today I'm going to be talking about the kinds of costumes our characters will be wearing. This will be a somewhat short blog but you'll see why soon.

    In my previous blogs, I mentioned how I want one of the main concepts to be sameness since the movie is dystopian. This is why I assume this won't be a long blog, because most characters will dress basically the same. To be fair there will only be a few characters from what we have in our storyboard but that can obviously change.

    For the two best friends, we were thinking of them wearing black dresses, since me and my partner both have similar simple black dresses. We could also wear normal clothes but I would like to show how society is different and sees dresses as casual wear rather than sweatpants or jeans. The black dresses will be the standard for most of the women that appear in the film opening, if we decide to have anyone else in our opening of course.

The only other apparent character in our film opening will be the news reporter. My partner and I haven't discussed who will be playing the reporter, since it won't be one of us, but I am assuming we will use one of our parents. If the reporter is my father, I can ask him to wear a plain black suit, which I know he has because he is always going out of the country for work. If the reporter is either one of our moms, we can ask them to wear a more formal dress, like the ones they actually wear on the news. I don't know if they should be black or some other color, but I think it makes sense to have them black.

The reason I say black for the news reporters is because I think it'd be really cool to show rank or class by what they wear rather than how they live. For example, government officials could wear white or some other color, and the kids chosen for the powers could wear a different color. This most likely won't be shown in the film opening but it's just cool for me to think about.

Anyway, you can see why this was a pretty short blog post but thank you so much for reading and have a nice day.

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